Study on So-called "Particle Ellipsis"


Tokyo Woman's Christian University

Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167, Japan


We are studying so-called "particle ellipsis" from three different view points : the determination of the case, the function of the ellipsis, and the difference between spoken and written languages. Our focus in this report is on the effectiveness of the valency data in the IPAL dictionary in determining the case whose particle is omitted. Generally speaking, it can be said that the IPAL dictionary is useful. In 528 samples of case elements without a particle, 430 modify the verb immediately follows the case element, while 98 of them have another element inbetween. If the case element modifies the immediately following verb, the omitted particle is 'wo' for the most of the time. If the case element is distant from the predicate verb, it is more difficult to determine the function of the case and also the element has a more topical role than as a case element.

Keywords: particle ellipsis, determination of case, valency, topic