MusicCommentator: A Comment Generation Method based on Acoustic and Textual Features

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We propose a system called MusicCommentator that suggests possible comments on appropriate temporal positions in a musical audio clip. In an online video sharing service, many users can provide free-form text comments for temporal events occurring in clips not for entire clips. To emulate the commenting behavior of users, we propose a joint probabilistic model of audio signals and comments. The system trains the model & by using existing clips and users' comments given to those clips. Given a new clip and some of its comments, the model is used to estimate what temporal positions could be commented on and what comments could be added to those positions. It then concatenates possible words by taking language constraints into account. Our experimental results showed that using existing comments in a new clip resulted in improved accuracy for generating suitable comments to it.


Author : Kazuyoshi Yoshii (AIST)
mail to k.yoshii(at)

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